Your contacts

The MARQUAGE Company presents you his main representatives whose experience know-how, dynamism and rigour are put to your service:


He was the Engineering Manager of companies « M » and « P » USA during many years. Afterward, he was the Engineering and Commercial Manager of the whole production of machines of MAUNY brand then to your service within the company MARQUAGE. He made, during ten years, between 100 000 and 150 000 km/year to visit you in Europe, what allowed him to know about every type of industrial productions, steel-making, metallurgical, plastics, elastomers, glassware, crystal glassworks, motorcars, aeronautics, ...

Alain AILLOT (Engineering manager)

Working in MAUNY then MARQUAGE companies, he accumulated an incomparable experience associating the study of special machines, the difficulties of manufacture and application in workshop. This experience is brought to you in order to conceive materials responding to your specification sheets but in whom the ease of maintenance was included from the conception.

Delphine BONDIER (SUPELEC Engineer - EM LYON Master)

She integrates our company in 2005 after a course of study allowing her to put her technical and business skills in the study of your specifications to offer machines always best suited to your needs. Her experience in the treatment of marking machines in your various activities allows her to understand your issues and to respond by making sets for the integration of a marking function that remains transparent to your overall process.

They put to your service their rigor and professional experience to prepare all plans, estimates and specifications that you will receive.

Our administration, our after sales services and all MARQUAGE employees join these managers to put themselves at your service.

The MARQUAGE company, manufacturer of industrial marking systems, offers a range of marking machines to suit your needs. Learn about our products: color coding machines, laser markers, etc.