Industrial identification services, engineering, design office and after sales services
Marking of steel, iron, copper, aluminium, alloys, plastic, rubber, natural fibres, synthetic fibres or cloth, paper, glass, ceramics, wood, cardboard, leather (stiff or soft), etc, using hot or cold processes, we have the solution to your need.
The marking of a product may be done by various means ranging from simple marking with chalk, to the most complex remote-control machines, ink jet, lasers...
The installation of a marking system is usually unique, and must be designed on demand before the drawing up of a concrete offer. Embossing marking, print marking, frosted marking, stamping, acid marking, fault marking, engraving, etc, we can supply you with a suitable machine.
We are designer and manufacturer of specific electronic and mechanical materials.
We offer the services of our design office to solve all your adaptation problems, special machine dimensioning (marking, brushing, degreasing, frost-marking, complete line transfer, etc).
Before our technical staff visits you, we would usually ask you to fill up our technical questionnaire on line.
As far as possible, we would advise you to send us some digital photos of your products and of your line where the marking would be made and a sample of the product, to enable us to process tests of coating, holding, resistance...
Our products for marking, diluting, cleaning, abrasives, inks (offset, direct, permanent, water-soluble, U.V., high temperature…), stencils, negative rubber, etc, are usually in stock, and therefore available on receipt of your order number sent by fax or by email.
The history
The MARQUAGE Company is above all the result of a knowledge accumulated thanks to an important experience of men and women who constituted the current potential, allowing the study and the manufacture of marking machines adapted to the industrial needs of each customer.
In the '60s, industrial marking and tracing are introduced in Europe by our representatives. In the '70s, our CEO develops the design and manufacture of machine adapted to the needs of our customers, engravings and consumables.
In 1982 MARQUAGE provides the customers with all specialities as a complete service based on the experience acquired by Michel ROLLET and Alain AILLOT, resumed this day by all employees insuring the continuity of the company. We have been designers and manufacturers for a long period which offers to our customers, reliability, continuance and follow-up of the supplied products.